You may not realize it, but the average American sits anywhere from 7.7 to 15 hours a day without moving. Think about it. From the time we spend in the car commuting here and there, to the time we spend at our desks each day, and the time we spend in front of a TV screen or sleeping at night... … [Read more...]
Connecting with Others: Emotions and Our Bodies
In an earlier post, Don’t Believe Everything Your Thoughts Tell You, we talked about how neuroscience shows that every thought you have causes complex chemical reactions in your body that affect how you feel. Through a chemical reaction, in your body, your thoughts interact with your emotions. This … [Read more...]
The “Secret” to Health You Already Know
I want to let you in on something I quickly learned when I first started working one-on-one with people who want to make their health and wellness a priority, people who are sick of feeling less than amazing, and people who are confused about who to listen to for advice. The secret? Most of us … [Read more...]
Don’t Believe Everything Your Thoughts Tell You
Your thoughts are automatic. They just happen. Thoughts result from your body taking in sensory data (from your eyes, ears, and fingers, for example), information from your past, and complex processes in your body. Neuroscience tells us that every thought you have causes complex chemical … [Read more...]
5 Feminine Attributes for Leaders of the Future
Not long ago I sat in a room filled with women professionals. During the discussion, many of them expressed the feeling that they have to be more like their male colleagues in order to have a 'seat at the table' and enjoy the same opportunities. That's not unusual. I frequently hear variations of … [Read more...]
Catch the Vision of What’s Possible
Webster’s Dictionary defines vision simplistically as “a thought, concept, or object formed by the imagination.” We coaches think of vision as a desired future. A target we intend to reach. Author Gary R. Collins says, “It encourages people to think beyond what is and visualize what can be or will … [Read more...]
10 Essential Tips for Better Sleep and Slaying the Saber-toothed Tiger Called Stress
We've all heard of the “fight or flight” syndrome. Accompanied by the image of a saber-toothed tiger dashing after a hunter, getting ready to attack. In modern times, we’re not literally being chased by a tiger, but our bodies are often reacting as if we are fighting for our lives. Our adrenal … [Read more...]
5 Spheres of Leadership Influence
You are a leader. Whether a formal or informal leader, you have influence over thousands of people over the course of your lifetime. Many of us are formal leaders with a title of authority. All of us are simply everyday leaders in the various areas of our lives. Lets break this down further to … [Read more...]
5 Levels of Leadership Growth
Recently, I defined leadership as simply influence. I challenged you to accept that the question isn't whether or not you are a leader, but what kind of leader will you be? We'll begin to break this down further so that we understand the various spheres or areas of our lives and work where we can … [Read more...]
Leadership Defined (It’s not what you think)
Leadership. Everyone talks about it. It's become another popular phrase or buzz word in our culture today. Organizations spend thousands of dollars on hiring the "right" leader and dispensing leadership training and development. Most have dreams of being a leader. Few achieve it. It seems the … [Read more...]