In an earlier post, Don’t Believe Everything Your Thoughts Tell You, we talked about how neuroscience shows that every thought you have causes complex chemical reactions in your body that affect how you feel. Through a chemical reaction, in your body, your thoughts interact with your emotions. This … [Read more...]
The “Secret” to Health You Already Know
I want to let you in on something I quickly learned when I first started working one-on-one with people who want to make their health and wellness a priority, people who are sick of feeling less than amazing, and people who are confused about who to listen to for advice. The secret? Most of us … [Read more...]
Don’t Believe Everything Your Thoughts Tell You
Your thoughts are automatic. They just happen. Thoughts result from your body taking in sensory data (from your eyes, ears, and fingers, for example), information from your past, and complex processes in your body. Neuroscience tells us that every thought you have causes complex chemical … [Read more...]