My desire is to weave my life’s tapestry with grace and integrity. With this in mind, I haven’t sent holiday greetings to friends and family in years. Occasionally, I get them sent to clients on time. Every year, I say that I’m going to do it. Every year it doesn’t happen. This year was no different. However, this year I did send email greetings out to those who’ve subscribed to my newsletter… after Christmas.
In fact, I could have told them I sent it late on purpose. Yet, I wouldn’t have fooled you, myself or anyone else in saying that I was late in sending my holiday well-wishes on purpose. In reality, I was late because I didn’t effectively plan to start early, so I’d get it done on time. (Can you relate?) In addition, I was late because when I failed to plan, I chose not to get all worked up and burn the midnight oil to get it done at the last minute. And that’s ok.
My hope is that you also discern when it’s important to give yourself grace. Now, as you stand here at the dawn of 2024, what’s on your mind and in your heart?
We tend to think of New Year’s and resolutions. A fresh start. An opportunity to start over. To reinvent ourselves. I’d like to offer another perspective. What if you don’t need a fresh canvas and a new box of paints?
Your Unique Life’s Tapestry
Friend, you and your life are a beautiful, unique tapestry interwoven with the threads of both nature and nurture. In other words, who you were created to BE and how you’ve been shaped through lived experience, and through your thoughts, emotions, and actions. You are enough! Each colored thread in your tapestry adds depth, dimension, and perspective. It’s beautiful. It’s your work of art.
So, as you stand here on this day in January 2024… a day that stands on its own in history. In your story. Gaze on your life’s tapestry with wonder and gratitude. It’s not a perfect tapestry. Every piece of artwork is one-of-a-kind in that way.
What do you see? Look beyond the surface into the depths.
Examine your life’s tapestry and its variations in color, texture, weight, shape, and fiber both rough and smooth. Perhaps there are knots and flaws, and the inevitable broken ends woven in and hidden deep. Colors both vibrant and faded. Irregularities. Let your eye explore the range of surface textures and painterly effects.
What is extraordinary about its imperfection? With all this richness, the flaws and the imperfectness simply become part of the masterpiece. You are weaving a life. Your one profound and dynamic life.
Learn it. Apply it.
- In your life’s tapestry, what colors will you add this year?
- How will you experiment with new technique or materials?
- What has ended which needs woven in and clipped?
- Is there another image you want to begin weaving into the tapestry?
- What story will it tell in the future?
If you’d like to reflect on the past year; explore your tapestry; and prepare to enhance your life’s artistry in 2024, let’s schedule a Connection Call. I’d be honored to enter that space with you. What are you being drawn towards? What do you want to create?