Years ago, I sat in a chair, head down and resting in my hands. “Something needs to change in my business, but I don’t know exactly what or how. The model and pace isn’t sustainable in its current capacity. How can I walk away from something steady and lucrative? What do I really want? What if I make a mistake?“
This growing sense of uncertainty, anxiety, and fear would not go away. I tried pressing on through. Ignoring it didn’t help. Working harder just made things worse because I already felt too stressed and burned out. I sought out advice. I consumed books, articles, and podcasts. Information overload ensued. My response? I’d either tried it; it wouldn’t work for me; or I didn’t have the resources, the time, the… (insert reason) why it wouldn’t work.
I was stuck in what I like to call “Sit ‘n Spin.” If you grew up in the 70’s, like me, you may remember the Sit ‘n Spin toy by Kenner. A kid would sit on the plastic base and use the top part to spin around. You never go anywhere. You just sit in one spot, going in circles, getting dizzy. That’s how it feels, to me, when I’m stuck in uncertainty and indecision over an uncomfortable situation.
Why We Get Stuck in Uncertainty
Can you relate to this? I think we all feel challenged by uncertainty from time to time. Kahneman and Tversky’s research1 and “Prospect Theory” demonstrate that people are more likely to choose to maintain the status quo when faced with uncertain outcomes.
Change isn’t for the faint of heart. Here’s how a typical scenario might go…
- The outcome is uncertain. What if the new path or change turns out to be worse? What if I make the wrong choice?
- What if I regret giving up what I have now? At least I know what I’m dealing with.
- Is the risk too big for an uncertain reward?
- The current status quo “feels safe”, even if it’s difficult.
We get stuck in the same patterns of thinking, feeling, and doing. We find ourselves stuck in indecision, choosing to avoid change, because at least the current situation is “the devil that we know.”
What You CAN Be Certain Of
Yet, here’s the thing… when facing change, you may not know exactly what the new direction looks like or what will happen on that path, but you CAN be certain of the following:
- You can be certain that if you change nothing…. nothing changes.
- You can be certain of the results and experience of your current situation. Are they what you want? Do they align with your values?
- You can get certain of your intentions, and determined that you will change SOMETHING.
I often work with clients to help them create a vision of a desired future or outcome that draws them forward into change. Yet sometimes, it’s the certainty of what will come with NOT fixing a problem that moves us toward a determination to do something different. What will work for you in your particular situation?
Get Unstuck and Embrace Change
You don’t have to stay stuck in a situation you desperately want to change, yet avoid taking action because of uncertainty and indecision. Here are a few things you might try to get out of “Sit ‘n Spin.”
- Be Aware. Stop and pay attention to your automatic thought patterns and emotions. Are you clinging to the present situation out of fear of the unknown? Question your thoughts. Are they true? Sometimes we “borrow worries” or make up stories, in our minds, that have no basis in facts. These influence our emotions and our actions (or lack thereof).
- Reframe: It’s always important to use critical thinking skills to evaluate an option. But once you have, instead of dwelling on perceived risks, focus on the potential rewards of the new path for change. View it, also, with a growth mindset. What will you learn and how will you grow through this new opportunity?
- Choose ONE thing: What’s one small thing you will commit to doing? Breaking down larger changes into smaller steps can make the process feel less overwhelming and reduce the fear of failure. Taking incremental steps toward a goal can provide a quick win that builds confidence and momentum over time.
- Focus on Values: Reflecting on your core values, long-term goals, and the WHY behind them, can provide clarity and motivation during times of transition. When you align your decisions with core values and purpose, you often feel more confident in your choices and more willing to embrace change. This awareness, then, moves you forward when the going gets tough.
- Practice Self-Compassion: Recognize that change can be challenging and that setbacks naturally occur. Practicing self-compassion can help you navigate difficult emotions with kindness and understanding. This makes it easier to persevere through discomfort.
- Challenge Comfort Zones: Seek out opportunities to step outside of your comfort zones. Trying new things helps build resilience and adaptability. This mindset of experimentation and learning from failure can reduce the fear of making mistakes.
- Get Support and Accountability: Surround yourself with a supportive network of friends, family, or colleagues to receive encouragement during times of change. Consider working with a coach to gain clarity, perspective, and accountability. Sharing goals and progress with others can help you stay motivated and committed to your actions and desired outcomes.
Certainty is Never a Given
In spite of all this, we know that there are no guarantees when we move toward something new. Though you can’t always know what a new path in life will bring; you can decide how you will respond and what or who you will rely on to not only endure change, but to grow through it.
For example, as a Christ-follower, I TRUST that…
- God will help me renew my mind when old patterns of thinking, feeling, and doing are getting in the way of living the life He meant for me to live.
- I will never endure any circumstance on my own because He is with me and will equip me.
Learn it. Apply it.
How will you respond to uncertainty? Who or what will you rely on?
Questions for Clarity and Perspective:
- What will happen if I make this change?
- What will happen if I don’t make this change?
- What won’t happen if I make this change?
- What won’t happen if I don’t make this change?
If you’re facing or contemplating change, and you’re feeling stuck in uncertainty and indecision, let’s schedule a Connection Call. Imagine a space where you are fuIly heard; a safe space to Navigate The Way with clarity and confidence. I’d be honored to enter that space with you.