There’s a nature Rx for chronic stress. It’s one of the easiest, most enjoyable ways I know to mitigate the stressors of work and life; to elevate health and overall well-being; and to improve mental and emotional capacity and resilience. It makes me more creative and effective in my work and helps me show up at my best in relationships. I’ll talk more about that, but first, we need to set the table so to speak.
There was a time when I would wake up at 4am unable to fall back to sleep as thoughts rolled around in my head. This was my body’s response to desperately seek solutions to the nagging challenges I was experiencing, both personally and at work. The what-if’s created pictures in my mind that I didn’t want to see.
Sometimes, I’d wake up with a feeling of anxious foreboding like a heavy-weighted blanket pushing down on my chest. This before my feet even hit the floor.
There’s the client, sitting at her desk amidst competing expectations and a mile-long to-do list. It seems impossible to get it all done and she’s not sure how to prioritize. She’s exhausted and doesn’t get home until her kids are in bed. She believes that if she just keeps pushing through, she can prove her competence and attend to everyone’s needs. When things slow down, she’ll take some time for herself.
Another client, like many others, can’t shut off his thoughts. He feels pressure to grow his already successful business. However, he’s sure there’s something else out there that’s more fulfilling. Both stress him out. He’s distracted from family because his mind is always somewhere else trying to sort it all out. Yet, it’s impossible to think clearly without the mental space to do so.
How Chronic Stress Affects You
Where do you see yourself in any of those scenarios? Your brain and body are wired to react and protect you from whatever they perceive as a threat. Chronic stress (positive and challenging) from the overwhelming demands of life, work, our own thoughts, and caring for a family can lead to:
- Weight gain
- Difficulty concentrating
- Headaches and insomnia
- Exhaustian and burnout
- Increasing health problems
- Irritability, anxiety, and depression
- Inability to think clearly and creatively
- Lacking a sense of motivation and fulfillment
- Feeling disconnected with yourself and others
- Reduced problem-solving and decision-making ability
During a season of my life when it seemed I could check every one of these boxes, one of the biggest game-changers was when I found my way back outdoors. Growing up on a farm, spending time outdoors wandering fields, pastures, and country roads became my way to get centered and find my way to clarity. There was something about spending time in God’s creation, in nature, that was a balm to my soul. Turns out, there’s science behind that!
This experience led me to incorporate nature into the coaching experience for some of my individual clients, as well as with groups and retreats.
Let’s explore some of the benefits of spending time in nature, as demonstrated by a growing body of research and study. But don’t just take a professor’s or doctor’s word for it. Experience it for yourself. In the words of the great naturalist and Father of National Parks, John Muir,
In every walk with nature, one receives far more than he seeks.”
~John Muir
Benefits of Spending Time in Nature
Reduced stress: Being in nature may reduce stress and anxiety levels and help you feel relaxed and calm. I experienced this during my time outdoors, and over time it carried through into all areas of my life.
Increased creativity: Being surrounded by natural beauty may stimulate creativity and inspire new ideas. Are there any adults, professionals, business owners or work teams who couldn’t use more of that?
Improved mood: Spending time in nature has been linked to greater overall feelings of well-being. See ‘Reduced stress.’
Enhanced physical health: There are a number of possibilities that contribute to this. One is natural oils, called Phytoncides, that are released by trees and studied for their effects on human immune function. Another is that simply reducing stress levels helps strengthen the immune system. Finally, coaching outdoors often (though not always) involves some physical activity, such as walking or hiking. Movement supports your physical health and may boost the immune system.
Heightened awareness: Being in nature can help you become more present and mindful and may enhance your ability to focus and pay attention. This happens when you give yourself permission to slow down; to breathe; and to pay attention, with all your senses, to what’s around you.
Greater self-awareness: The natural environment can provide a reflective space for you to connect with yourself and gain insight into your thoughts, feelings, and behaviors. I find that nature has a way of reflecting your inner experience and helps you put words to experiences and feelings that may be difficult to access.
Increased resilience: Spending time in nature can help you develop a sense of resilience, which can be helpful in navigating life’s challenges. Learning ways to counteract or reduce stress; to be more present in the moment; and to navigate thoughts and emotions (see all of the above) helps to increase resilience over time.
What a Nature Rx Does for Me
For me, spending time outdoors in nature is one of the best ways to give the muscle between my ears a break. I can’t be present in the moment, focused on sensory experiences all around me in nature, and be churning unhelpful thoughts at the same time. My brain lets go and slows down. It clears as I attune to everything around me in the moment. My breathing slows and deepens. I begin to feel more relaxed and at ease. At a time when I needed this the most, I began to crave my daily time outdoors.
This is one of many practices that changed my life. Because of this, I felt called to bring it to others through my work in coaching. Yes, the studies show that spending time in nature has many benefits, AND when you take coaching outdoors and invite nature as a partner in the coaching process, you “naturally” get different results.
Coaching outdoors in nature provides a unique, life-giving experience that supports personal growth, healing, and transformation.
Want to try it out? Join an upcoming Navigate The Way event. It is a walk to discover fresh perspective and new possibilities on your journey. The event is a blend of nature immersion, mindfulness, and coaching in a group experience. Learn more and sign up to attend a Navigate The Way event here.
Learn it. Apply it.
- What effect does chronic stress have on you and your well-being?
- What have you tried, in the past, to navigate this issue?
- When was the last time you spent time outdoors in nature?
- What impact would it have on your work, relationships, and well-being if you could reduce the effects of chronic stress, and gain the clarity you need to achieve your goals?
- On a scale of 1-10, how ready are you to explore spending time in nature, and/or coaching in nature, as a way to create positive change and get you where you want to be?

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